Helping your
Customers connect
their Bank Accounts
Seyula offers a unified banking API allowing your customers to securely and seamlessly connect their bank account to your application
Simple, beautiful
user experience
Our front-end module is easy to drop into whatever you’re building and designed to optimize conversion
Developers First
With just a few lines of code, you can implement Seyula in an afternoon.
We obsessively seek out ways to reduce complexity while maintaining scalability, and flexiblility of integrations. As a result, you can get up and running with Seyula in just a couple of minutes.
- const Seyula = require( ‘Seyula’ ) (’sk_test_BqokikJ0vB1iI2HlWgh4o1fQ2’):
- // Initiatlize Seyula Connect
- const seyulaConnect = await Seyula.create({
- data-client-name: 'Your Company Name',
- data-product: ['transactions'],
- data-env: 'sandbox',
- data-key: 'test-key',
- data-language: 'en',
- }
- } ):
Featured Use Cases
We help enable busnises that help people
Ready to get started?
We are currently in priveta BETA and working with selected partners. If you are interested please fill in the form below