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Helping your
Customers connect
their Bank Accounts

Seyula offers a unified banking API allowing your customers to securely and seamlessly connect their bank account to your application

Get Early Access

Simple, beautiful
user experience

Our front-end module is easy to drop into whatever you’re building and designed to optimize conversion

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Developers First

With just a few lines of code, you can implement Seyula in an afternoon.

We obsessively seek out ways to reduce complexity while maintaining scalability, and flexiblility of integrations. As a result, you can get up and running with Seyula in just a couple of minutes.

  1. const Seyula = require( ‘Seyula’ ) (’sk_test_BqokikJ0vB1iI2HlWgh4o1fQ2’):
  3. // Initiatlize Seyula Connect
  4. const seyulaConnect = await Seyula.create({
  5.     data-client-name: 'Your Company Name',
  6.     data-product: ['transactions'],
  7.     data-env: 'sandbox',
  8.     data-key: 'test-key',
  9.     data-language: 'en',
  10.     }
  11. } ):

Ready to get started?

We are currently in priveta BETA and working with selected partners. If you are interested please fill in the form below